Some World War II Veterans

Who Admitted that the US and the UK

Fought on the Wrong Side



National Socialist News Service



JUNE 6, 2024, was the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, in which the Anglo-Americans invaded Europe to aid the Soviet Union in dismantling the New Order in Europe which Adolf Hitler and is followers were in the process of constructing. The occasion was predictably marked by the usual chest-thumping and crowing by alleged US President Joseph Biden and other Old Order politicians. They cheered on the members of the so-called "greatest generation" who did the fighting that they, the political elites, were too cowardly to do themselves eight decades ago.


But not everyone was so enthusiastic to celebrate the war that devastated Europe and that cost tens of millions of White lives – and which ended the rule of the White Man over the globe.


David Irving, the pre-eminent historian of the Second World War, once commented, "If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could look forward to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance another 40 yards up the beach."


Here is a short, partial list of World War II era veterans who later came to realize that the US fought on the wrong side during the Second World War (alphabetically):











It takes a big man to admit that he was wrong - and a bigger man still to admit that he was duped into fighting someone else's war for (((them)))!



A collage of men in military uniforms Description automatically generated


Top row: Willis Carto, Adm. John G. Crommelin, Maj. Gen. Pedro Del Valle

Bottom row: Gen. George S. Patton, Dr. Roger Pearson, Commander George Lincoln Rockwell