The racialist philosophy is basically distinguished from the Marxist philosophy by the fact that it not only recognizes the value of race, but along with it the importance of personality, which it therefore makes one of the pillars of its entire structure.  These are the factors which sustain its view of life.


Thus, in principle, it embraces the basic principle of Nature and believes in the validity of this law down to the last individual.  It sees not only the different value of races, but also the different value of individual men.  From the mass it extracts the importance of the person, and thus, in contrast to Marxism with its disorganizing effect, it acts in an organizing way. 


The Movement must promote respect for personality by every means.  It must never forget that in personal worth lies the worth of everything human; that every idea and every achievement is the result of one man’s creative force, and that the admiration of greatness constitutes not only a tribute of thanks to the latter, but also casts a unifying bond around the grateful.


It is not the mass that invents and not the majority that organizes or thinks, but in all things only and always the individual man, the person.


. . . The majority can never replace the man.


To renounce doing homage to a great spirit means the loss of an immense strength which emanates from the names of all great men and women.


When human hearts break and human souls despair, then from the twilight of the past the great conquerors of distress and care, of disgrace and misery, of spiritual bondage and physical constraint, look down upon them and hold out their eternal hands to despairing mortals.  Woe to the people that is ashamed to grasp them.




