A copy of Common Sense from 1957, similar to the issue that
red-pilled George Lincoln Rockwell.
Do Literature Distributions Really Do Any Good?
by James Harting
GOOD does it do
to distribute a lone piece of
printed material
(leaflet, sticker,
card, poster, etc.)? A little? None? It all depends on who you give it
In 1951, George Lincoln Rockwell was an ordinary American conservative, supporting Gen. Douglas MacArthur for president. A woman acquaintance gave him a copy of the popular anti-Jewish newspaper Common Sense — and changed the world forever. (For more details, see his political autobiography, This Time the World, Chapter 5.)
How cool would that be, to go through life knowing that you were the one who red-pilled George Lincoln Rockwell?
(Right: Commander Rockwell as he appeared in 1951, while on active duty with the US Navy during the Korean War.)
Two Ways to Distribute Printed Material
Broadly speaking, there are two types of literature distributions: the random and the targeted.
A random distribution consists of distributing printed material to anonymous, random people. You leave your literature out in public, and hope that the person who picks it up will be sympathetic to its message. This type of distribution is only effective if it is done with masses of leaflets or whatever — think in terms of thousands of pieces, not dozens or hundreds. Experience has shown that if you distribute a large enough quantity in the right area, some people will respond.
This is especially true today. Back in the last century, getting someone to respond meant getting them to write to a post office box or other postal address. Very few people ever did so, even if they liked our message. Today, getting someone to respond means getting them to click on your Web site or other URL. This is easy to do: Anyone who is even mildly curious will check out a National Socialist or White nationalist site if they have its address.
So this should be the goal of printed material: to drive traffic to your Web site. It should not be the goal of a leaflet, poster, card or sticker to educate the people receiving it. This will never happen. Simply get them to visit your site, and it is there that in-depth education can take place.
Random distributions are frequently undertaken by lone comrades. This is often the case when an activist is geographically isolated and does not have the support of other NEW ORDER supporters. Such “lone wolf” distributions can be productive, as long as the activist takes the proper security precautions to avoid being doxed, etc. But we hasten to add small teams of activists – even if only two, three, or four comrades – can accomplish much more than a single activist can. Also, there is added security when acting in concert with other comrades than when acting alone.
Targeted Distributions
The second form of distribution is targeting a specific person or group, whom you know to be broadly sympathetic in the first place. This is how Lincoln Rockwell was “recruited.” Here you do not need a huge number of pieces of literature, taking an enormous effort and considerable expense to distribute. Simply find the right person, and hand him or her a carefully chosen piece of printed material (including a URL). If he is interested, he will take it from there!
Hybrid Distributions
We should also mention that there are ways to combine a mass distribution with a targeted distribution. Some activists, for example, have put NS literature in books on World War II in libraries or bookstores, etc. In this way, you reach a pre-selected audience of people who may be interested in your message. Others have found country-and-western music concerts or European folk gatherings to be White-friendly venues.
Activism Brings Success – Endless Whining and Complaining Does Not!
Social media is full of disgruntled White people who complain to each other about the dire situation facing our Race today. We understand their frustration and anger, and their need to let off steam by posting online. In all seriousness, however, the true battle for our folk will be fought in real life. Ultimately, it is in the streets that we must win victories if we are to be successful, not in the realm of cyberspace. Ideally, online activism and real-life activism should complement each other – one should not replace the other.
Let’s be realistic: At some point the anti-Whites will kick us off of all Internet venues. We will all be deplatformed. Building a group based on IRL (“in real life”) activity, such as literature distribution, might seem “retro” — but it is not old-fashioned. It is part of the way forward, especially when used as a component of a comprehensive program of movement-building activity.
The next George Lincoln Rockwell is out there waiting for your red pill. Now go find him!
It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness!
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