

By Matt Koehl


The Germans have given us a word with which we may designate a true philosophic stance:  Weltanschauung. Generally translated as worldview, the word means much more than a mere “view of the word”; and it suggests something other than a familiar, homespun philosophy, with folksy conclusions about the meaning of life. 


A true weltanschauung is far different from the random, eclectic stew of likes, dislikes and ad hoc opinions that most people have. 


Perhaps we can better understand what a weltanschauung is, if we first consider what it is not.  It is not an agglomeration of acquired facts.  It is not some cracker-barrel set of preferences and prejudices.  It is not a bunch of schemes, stratagems and gimmicks.  It is not a political program.  It is not a conspiracy theory.  It is not a military arsenal. It is not media access or high-tech capability.  It is not a logo or a uniform.  It is not “movement” gossip.  It is not a personal psychosis. 


A weltanschauung, or worldview, is something a bit more profound.  It is a systematic ideology—a total view of life.  As such, it enables one to examine and evaluate systematically and consistently all historical and universal phenomena—past, present and future—according to a specific value system which it incorporates. 

Not only does such a worldview enable an evaluation of any fact, situation or event, but it provides the basis for a faith—a system of belief—religious or political, as the focus of one’s personal commitment. 


Indeed, those with a worldview are serious, steady and consistent, to the same degree that those without one are not.  Those with such a weltanschauung have a real, defined sense of purpose and direction in their lives, just as those without such a worldview lack meaningful purpose and direction. 



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Although a worldview is commonly thought of as political, it can just as readily be religious.  Indeed, from an ideological standpoint the line between the political and the religious is, in the final analysis, nonexistent.  Both represent systems of belief, and in each case they deal with the ultimate as well as the more immediate concerns affecting the human condition.


Whether political or religious, a weltanschauung is above all—REVOLUTIONARY!  Indeed, no real revolution on Earth is conceivable without a radically new philosophy and vision. 


And ultimately, all worldviews strive for one thing:  power—victory.  Every true worldview strives for the triumph of the particular idea it represents—this, to the exclusion of all competing worldviews.  By its very nature, a weltanschauung is exclusive and unwilling to concede to any other ideology. 


Perhaps the best examples of a worldview can be seen in Marxism and Christianity.  With their respective visions of a proletarian paradise and a spiritual Zion, each represents a distinctive weltanschauung.  So does National Socialism, with its vision of a higher, more godlike humanity. 


But whereas the two former worldviews presume to “conquer Nature,” with both sharing similar notions of human equality, our worldview is based on the aristocratic principle of inequality and respect for the eternal laws of Nature, which are the laws of life—ultimately emanating from that immanent Force which rules and dominates this universe—and which include the laws of racial conservation and higher development. 

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It was none other than our Leader, Adolf Hitler, who brought these laws to the consciousness of modern man in the form of his revolutionary, new doctrine.  Without this singular weltanschauung, which was given to us for our salvation, one cannot properly speak of National Socialism. 


Similarly, one cannot honestly describe as National Socialist someone who lacks a worldview, or more properly a National Socialist worldview.  It can, in fact, be stated categorically that there is no such thing as a true National Socialist, without a proper National Socialist worldview. 


Even though one may call oneself a “National Socialist” and have all the Third Reich memorabilia in the world—and even though one may wave a thousand Swastikas and shout “Heil Hitler!” a million times over—he is no true National Socialist, unless he happens to possess such a weltanschauung. 


Unfortunately, there are many who assume that they can make up for their ideological deficiency with military arsenals, high technology, fancy schemes, plans and programs, huffing, puffing and posturing, shaved heads, tattoos, costumes, krinklejammers, doodads, freaky fads, bombast, bluster and “movement” gossip. 


The greater the lack of a true ideological outlook, in fact, the greater the tendency to look to such non-ideological devices for salvation—if not, indeed, for cathartic release.  None of these pathetic substitutes, however, can ever compensate for the lack of a worldview and genuine National Socialist understanding. 


It is hardly surprising to observe some of the silly ways in which such pitiful behavior manifests itself.  During election year, for example, we have the recurrent spectacle of the ideologically challenged regularly out there among those calling form some ersatz, non-National Socialist to drop down out of the sky to save them! 

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There are those, of course, who for one reason or another, are unable to commit to any cause or give their loyalty to anyone or anything.  Character deficiency aside, this type can be seen perennially bouncing from group to group and cause to cause, because of some perceived success or lack of success of the moment—but particularly because they don’t have a fixed ideology, which would preclude such erratic opportunism and instability. 


There are those, too, who have attempted to form incongruous amalgams with other doctrines and movements.  Here again, however, such pathetic attempts merely point to the absence of a genuine weltanschauung.  


The simple fact is that one cannot be a National Socialist and at the same time espouse some other doctrine.  That is a contradiction in terms.  Either one embraces National Socialism, or one adheres to some other ideology.  Either one recognizes that National Socialism represents a complete ideological system and that it hold the answers to the essential questions of life, or one accepts other values and casts one’s gaze in another direction.  Put another way, either one considers Hitler’s Cause all-important, or one gives priority to other concerns. 

In conclusion, let it be noted that true National Socialists—as distinct from pseudo-National Socialist pretender—are those who have committed themselves to the Cause of Adolf Hitler unconditionally and have unreservedly embraced the revolutionary, new Idea which he has given us and which today is represented by his NEW ORDER. 


As the focus for a common consciousness and a common faith, this Idea—this weltanschauung—now stands as a bright, shining beacon, the sole ray of hope for embattled Aryankind in an ever-darkening world today. 




Source: NATIONAL SOCIALIST BULLETIN, Number 336, Fourth Quarter 1996 / JdF 107