Whatever it may have stood for in the past, the Stars and Stripes is no longer a flag that represents the White people of America
The U.S. Is not US!
By Matt Koehl
(Note by Martin Kerr: Broadly speaking, there are two types of nationalism: racial nationalism and civic nationalism. In this groundbreaking editorial from 1983, Matt Koehl condemns the raceless civic nationalism championed by the Republicans and the Democrats as “the American way of death” and points the way to racial nationalism as the hope and salvation of American Whites.)
IF PUERTO RICO BECOMES A STATE, do we salute and pledge allegiance to a new, 51-star flag? That is a possibility that could confront us in coming years.
One might object that Puerto Rico is predominantly non-White. But so is Hawaii. Does that mean that we should settle for a 49-star flag?
Perhaps. But then what do we do when California turns up with a non-White majority in the 1990 census? And what about New Mexico, New York, Arizona, Florida, or whatever other states become predominantly non-White? Do we use flags with successively fewer stars?
Where will we find such flags? Will we have them specially made? For what purpose?
All of these questions, of course, demonstrate the absurdity as well as the irrelevance of the whole United States concept for White people. They remind us of what this government has become, and what a dismal prospect it offers to anyone who thinks of himself as White.
They tell us that this country is no longer our country and that behind all the make-believe of Irving Berlin’s “God Bless America” every decent, racially-conscious person is a second-class citizen. Under such an arrangement, not only is Yankee Doodle patriotism and flag-waving silly and childish, it is positively obscene
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The United States started out with great promise and possibilities. It had a racially sound population and a vast continent at its disposal. But from its inception, it was fatally flawed.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal . . . ”
This Rationalist rhetoric may have sounded quite innocent and harmless to an all-White, 18th-century society. In the multiracial environment of the 20th century, however, not only is it preposterous—it is downright poisonous and lethal.
The second phase of U.S. history began with the destruction of the aristocratic principle in the Civil War. Following the triumph of quantity over quality there arose that peculiarly American civic religion, with its supernatural doctrines of Democracy, Liberty, Equality, Happiness, Material Success, and the apotheosis of the Individual. For its Holy Writ, it adopted the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, as well as the Gettysburg Address.
Accompanying this liberal-materialist cult was a messianic obsession to “save the world” for U.S.-style Democracy and Freedom—a mania which has taken us into two world wars and which, unless checked, is likely to take us into one last, great millennial crusade.
It was, in fact, the pathology of this Democracy cult which resulted in the war against Adolf Hitler and the military outcome of 1945—which marks the start of the third and concluding phase of U.S. history.
The Second World War was as much a defeat for American Whites as it was for the Germans, even though the former were spared the horrors and suffering of the immediate postwar period. Once they had taken up arms against Adolf Hitler, they were morally compromised. No longer could they defend their own vital racial interests without being reminded that they had just fought to destroy “racism” and “anti-Semitism” in Europe. The subsequent collapse of their racial resistance was, in effect, a tacit admission that they had indeed lost World War II.
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Today we are seeing all the results of that lost war: racial integration, affirmative action and reverse discrimination, busing, race-mixing, minority voting blocs and alien domination, dispossession of the White majority, open-ended support and subsidy of the parasitic state of Israel, drugs, alcoholism, rampant crime and lawlessness, the destruction of family life and moral rot—not to mention legislation making Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday!
The final result of that lost war, however, is to be be seen in the flood tide of non-Whites now pouring into the United States from Asia, Africa and Latin America, which is rapidly changing the racial complexion of the country. At the same time, it represents a fulfillment of the bourgeois, Masonic ideals of 1789 as well as the twisted dream of the Jewess, Emma Lazarus, as expressed on the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses . . . the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”
Glory, hallelujah!
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The American way of life has become the American way of death. The United States today is nothing but one big buy-now-pay-later, no-deposit-no-return, produce/consume, throw-away society—one huge bargain basement, with bright signs and flashing neon and lots of junky products for lots of junky people, a feeding ground where everyone is free to “do his own thing,” providing, of course, that he doesn’t offend the taboos of Democracy or the sensitivities of its kosher purveyors.
By no stretch of the imagination can the United States be considered a nation. It is simply a chaotic, rootless, raceless agglomeration of dissimilar interest groups. It is a great big chunk of real estate on which every featherless biped is equal, although—like the swine in Orwell’s Animal Farm—some of the least worthy creatures manage to be more equal than others!
And just as the Star of David on its national seal suggests, the good old U.S. of A. is nothing but a prostitute colony of Israel—the great harlot of Zion.
Is it any wonder, then, that around the world the United States is contemptu-ously regarded as a symbol of decadence and subservience to Jewry, as an abomination and a sick joke? Or that its initials are seen as a great big heckscher, just like the U’s and K’s on the packaged goods its citizens consume?
But it is, above all, as an imminent threat to the White race and its survival that the U.S. must occupy our concern. While we have been worrying about what the Russians might do to us, the crooks and criminals in Washington quietly doing it to us all along.
There is, of course, another America, an America which has long ceased to be represented by the United States. That America does not stop at the 49th parallel and exclude racial kinsmen, while allowing racial aliens to inundate us from the south. It is that America which not only provides the foundation for the prosperity and well-being of this continent, but which will one day form the nucleus of a new nation.
The United States and that America are not the same thing. They represent two totally different concepts. To survive, the White race will have to choose the latter over the former. It will have to abandon completely its attachments to a Yankee Doodle system dedicated to its destruction. It will have to see clearly. It will have to mobilize for a new order in American life and prepare for struggle.
There is no other way.
Source: WHITE POWER: The Revolutionary Voice of National Socialism, issue number 106, 1983.