The Trump Victory



By Martin Kerr



WE HAVE noticed that many White Nationalists and National Socialists have completely misinterpreted the significance of Donald Trump’s November 5 triumph.


They think that the importance of his regaining the White House lies in the marginal and temporary relief that this may bring to the long-suffering White population of the US. To be sure, Trump has made grandiose boasts about what he intends to achieve during his second tenure in the Oval Office. But he made similar claims the last time around, and all of his promises were spectacularly unfulfilled – except those that he made to Israel and the Jewish community.


There was no “30-foot wall” that “Mexico would pay for.” The trade deficit with China remained unrectified. And “drain the swamp” was little more than a catchphrase with which he lured in Libertarian votes. But he did move the US embassy to Jerusalem and continue to provide Israel with an unlimited line of credit and with US arms and ammunition.


So, this time around, his promises are similar: close the border with Mexico and the mass deportation of illegal aliens; an end to the LGBTQ+ insanity (especially with regarding allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports); and, of course, he has promised once again to “drain the swamp.” He has also promised to put an end to the chaotic US foreign policy that has encouraged the war in the Ukraine and the Israeli genocide in Gaza.


It would be wonderful if he were to be able to accomplish all of this – and we hope that he does! But the sad fact is that even if he achieves his maximum agenda (as unlikely as that may be), it would only provide some temporary relief for White America. Whatever gains he makes will be immediately undone the next time we have a Democratic presidency and Congress. And the slide towards the oblivion of  the West will resume.


But that does not mean that Trump’s success is without substantial benefit to National Socialists and other pro-White advocates. One thing that he has achieved has been overlooked by his cheering squad: His victory has raised the morale of the White population to heights that has not been seen in over 50 years. For the first time in decades, White people have a glimmer of hope for a better tomorrow. With this hope (as misplaced as it may turn out) and with an elevated morale, new possibilities will open up for National Socialists to exploit.


One thing that has held us back is that the White population has felt dispirited and defeated at every turn, as the values, institutions and heroes of healthy, traditional White society have been systematically stripped away. Psychologically, White people have retreated within themselves. At best, they have hoped that all of the undesirable things that swirled around them would somehow pass them by and leave them and their families untouched. Whites have had no belief that that the tide could be turned back. And so our call to battle has fallen on deaf ears. Our demand for a White America with a healthy White society and a healthy Aryan culture simply appeared unrealistic and out of reach to mainstream Whites. But now American Whites have begun to believe that these things may be possible.


With low morale, nothing is possible; with high morale, miracles may be achieved!


Now and the following months and years is a time when the National Socialist movement will be able to make substantial, significant gains – if we are willing to do the necessary work and make the necessary sacrifices. This is a golden opportunity for us that we will not see again for many years – if ever.


It is the duty of every National Socialist comrade to do whatever they are capable of doing to bring the race-saving message of Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell to the White population, because more than in years gone by, our racial brothers and sisters will be receptive to it.


To speak metaphorically, prepare to engage the enemy and march towards the sound of the guns!




About: Martin Kerr is the Chief of Staff of the NEW ORDER, the North American affiliate of the World Union of National Socialists




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