Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump’s Florida estate.
Mar-a-Lago, the FBI and White Nationalism
By James Harting
ON AUGUST 8, 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided Donald Trump’s gigantic, ornate Mar-a-Lago palace in Florida. The raid was ostensibly in search of presidential documents Trump is claimed to have illegally taken from the White House when he was evicted from it in January 2021.
disclosure: I am not, and never have been, a supporter or admirer of
Trump. Still, the high-handed and unprecedented use of the FBI to
blatantly persecute a former president strikes me as a new
intensification in the ongoing war on Whites – not a “turning point,”
as some Republicans are terming it, but certainly an intensification.
indication that something illegitimate took place was the insistence
of the pro-government commentators on MSNBC and CNN that the FBI visit
was a "search" and not a "raid." This is a distinction without a
difference. To put it casually, such wordplay is an effort to "spin"
the event. To put it more formally, the talking heads were trying to
control the narrative. There is never a need to control the narrative
when everything is open and aboveboard: in that case, you just let the
narrative take its natural course. You only spin it when it needs
spinning, that is, when you need to distract people from what actually
my part, I have been the target of law enforcement raids in the course
of my political career. I know what a raid looks like. Mar-a-Lago was
a raid, not a search.
FBI has always been a
political weapon in the hands of the ruling elite. This is not a new
development. The Fee-Bees have been used to harass and silence
pro-White political dissidents for decades, dating back at least as
far as the 1960s. In 2015, I documented some aspects of the FBI’s war
on George Lincoln Rockwell and his followers:
One Reason for Our Failure to Flourish: Illegal Harassment by the Federal Government - Stormfront
An old comrade of mine, DK, recently called my attention to a new book, entitled, The Director: My Years Assisting J. Edgar Hoover by Paul Letersky (Scribner, New York, 2021). As the title indicates, the author was a personal assistant to FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover. His book chronicles some of the behind-the-scenes activities of the FBI during Hoover’s tenure as director. Letersky gloats at the success of the FBI illegal war on the “Nazis” and the Klan:
“Mohr lowered his voice. “This is really confidential, Paul, so keep it to yourself, but according to Sullivan, one out of every five Klan members on their roles is actually working for us. But the funny thing is, according to our informants, most Klan members think that the number is even higher, that something like half of their Klan buddies are on the Bureau payroll – and that most of the rest of them want to be, for the money. Same thing with the American Nazi Party the National States’ Rights Party and the other ‘hate groups’ we’ve gone after. Nobody trusts anyone else in those groups anymore, that’s how effective COINTELPRO has been.”
“It sure sounds that way,
Mr. Mohr. But I have to ask – is it all legal?”
“[…]Let’s just say that most
of our COINTELPRO tactics are extra-legal – not regulated by law.” [p.
According to Wikipedia, “Common tactics used by COINTELPRO were perjury, witness harassment, witness intimidation, and withholding of exculpatory evidence.” (See: COINTELPRO – Wikipedia.) (1)
the use of the FBI as a political weapon is not new. This has been
an open secret all along – it’s just that when the FBI illegally
wire-tapped the National Socialist White People’s Party, or
conducted “black ops” against the Klan movement, the Republicans
just snickered and turned their heads.
weaponized FBI was kicked into high-gear against White Nationalists
and the Alt-Right in the wake of the “Unite the Right” demonstration
in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Aug. 12, 2017. (2) White
advocates guilty of nothing more that disorderly conduct (if that)
were imprisoned, doxed and generally had their lives ruined, with
the FBI leading the charge. But again, the Republicans looked the
other way and refused to speak out against the abuse of a federal
agency for political purposes.
Repubs, perhaps, sat up and took notice after the FBI was called in
to wage war on the Proud Boys and other civic nationalists after the
Jan. 6, 2021, demonstration in Washington, DC, got out of hand. More
persecution, such as exorbitant bail requirements and unreasonable
prison sentences ensued. But for the most part, the GOP leadership
was silent. And if rank-and-file Republicans were unhappy with this
misuse of the FBI, they mostly kept it to themselves.
after using the FBI as a political weapon against the “Nazis,” the
Klan, White Nationalists, the Alt-Right and civic nationalists, the
federal government has begun to target the Republican leadership,
beginning with Donald Trump. We envision that other Republican
leaders will be targeted in their turn, and, if the Democrats are
able to pull it off, ordinary Republicans as well.
the vulgar expression has it, “Karma is a bitch.” Having allowed the
FBI to grow into an illegal political weapon in the hands of the
ruling party and the Deep State, Republicans are now feeling its
effects themselves.
Republicans! Welcome to our world!
(1) To this day, on forums such as Stormfront the effects of such dirty tricks are felt: every time that the Patriot Front, the National Socialist Movement, or the Nationalist Social Club take to the streets, there are SF members who rush to their keyboards to breathlessly announce that the PF, the NSM and the NSC are all “Feds.” Do these SF members know that they are doing the dirty work of the FBI by sowing the seeds of false information, paranoia and mistrust?
(2) I
am writing this essay on the fifth anniversary of Charlottesville.
Although it is not on-topic for the matter under discussion (misuse
of the FBI as a political weapon), I wish to comment briefly on the
Unite the Right demonstration:
Despite what many say, I
believe that the demonstration was actually a victory for the
pro-White advocates. Ignore what the left and the mainstream media
claim: the actual optics on that day were that the pro-Whites were
numerous, strong, and aggressive. That is what impresses the
normies, not what flags, etc., are carried. We won every physical
confrontation in which we were engaged.
It was only later, taking their cue from the talking bobble-heads on CNN and MSNBC, that people began speaking of Charlottesville as though it were a “disaster” and “catastrophe” for the movement. Of course that is what the enemy is going to say!
NEW ORDER activists in Charlottesville, August 12, 2022.
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