An Election Day Message from the NEW ORDER
WE UNDERSTAND why many – indeed, maybe most – Whites are furious at the Democrats. Over the course of the past six years, the Dems have pursued a course of relentless racial, political, social, cultural, and economic warfare against the White population. And although White males have been their primary target, they have not spared our children, our women, or our elderly.
Truly, the policies of the
Democrats towards White people have been thoroughly despicable.
Thus, we know why a huge swath
of White voters are inclined to take political revenge against the
Democrats by supporting the Republicans in the November 8, 2022, midterm
So, vote for the Republicans
if you must – but do so with open eyes, and comprehend that the
Republican leadership has no sympathy for the plight of our Race.
Although the vast majority of Republican leaders, elected officials, and
candidates are biologically White, understand that they feel no sense of
racial loyalty at all – zero, nada, zilch. Their
only loyalty is to their own pathetic political careers – and to the
powers to which they are beholden and which they serve: the Jews.
You may want to vote for this
Republican or that Republican because they have made a speech that
promises you some small portion of the things you want. But you must
realize that that is what politicians do: they promise you what you want
in exchange for your vote. And then they betray you at the first
opportunity. Remember the 30-foot wall on our southern border that
Mexico was going to pay for? Remember the enthusiastic chants of “lock
her up?”
Of course, there is one
special constituency that the Republicans have no intention of
betraying: the Jewish overlords whom they serve.
Yes, vote for the Republicans
if you must, but do so with your eyes open. And consider this: by
supporting them you are endorsing and validating the system that is
murdering our Race, and your vote makes you complicit in whatever crimes
or misdeeds they commit if elected.
We have said it before, but we
will say it again, over and over until it sinks into the densest skull: there
is no political solution to the problems which beset
American Whites. At this late date, we cannot vote ourselves out of the
mess in which we find ourselves as a people.