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Our socialism in action: the National Socialist party organizes

Winter Relief donations for the needy during the Great Depression.



About the ‘Socialism’ in National Socialism


By Martin Kerr

There is a world of difference between Marxist (Jewish) socialism and National (White or Aryan) Socialism.

The core of Marxist socialism is government ownership and control of the means of production. It is primarily an economic doctrine, which seeks to transfer financial power from the capitalist class to the central government, which is controlled by the communist or socialist party. In most nations, such parties are controlled by the Jews. So the effective result of Marxist socialism is to transfer wealth and financial control to Marxist Jews.

National Socialism, in contrast, is primarily concerned with ensuring social justice. NS defines the state as a racial (or folk) community. Every citizen is a racial comrade. Every racial comrade participates in the life of the community. In turn, the racial community helps take care of them if they are unable to look out after themselves.

By way of example, when Hitler came to power in 1933, Germany was in the midst of the Great Depression. Every year many Germans died because of hunger or cold. Hitler declared, “No one will starve or freeze this year” (1) – and he made it so! The National Socialist party organized a program known as “Winter Relief,” (2) which coordinated a nationwide effort to help those in the greatest need. This was Hitlerian socialism in action!

In NS Germany there was zero homelessness and zero unemployment. Universal healthcare and education were guaranteed rights.

The core of the socialism in National Socialism is embodied in the NS slogan, “Common interest comes before self-interest.” (3)

It is in this sense, that of providing social justice for every citizen, that we are socialists.

National Socialism is NOT about government ownership and control of the means of production.





  1. His exact words:  "keiner soll hungern, keiner soll frieren."
  2. The Winterhilfswerk des Deutschen Volkes (Winter Relief for the German Folk), commonly known by its abbreviated form Winterhilfswerk (WHW).
  3. “Gemeinnutz vor Eigennutz,” from point 24 of the Program of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party.




About: Martin Kerr is the Chief of Staff of the NEW ORDER